The Six Pillars of Brain Health with AARP REGISTER

Monday, January 272:00—3:00 PMOnline

It's never too late to take charge of your brain health! In this session, you will learn about the six pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle, discover brain boosting activities, and be inspired by others. Get ready to understand the importance of B.E. M.O.R.E. -- (B)e Social, (E)ngage Your Brain, (M)anage Stress, (O)ngoing Exercise, (R)estorative Sleep, and (E)at Right. This session is a good overview for anyone interested in improving brain health and will provide actionable steps you can take along with resources to learn more. Led by Ruth Levitsky, with AARP Massachusetts.

RECORDING NOTE: This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

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